Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'll Pass on the Horror Stories, Thank You.

I've never been pregnant, but I always feel sorry for the expectant mothers who have to listen to birthing horror stories. It seems like every few weeks in the teacher's lounge that's the topic of the day. The same teachers telling their same horror stories. Or, every time I work in nursery at church the conversation somehow turns to birthing horror stories.

I don't know about the rest of the women in the world, but I'm already terrified of giving birth. I tell my husband all the time that I hope they have developed technology for teleportation by the time I have to give birth so we can just teleport the baby right out of there. So whenever I hear these horror stories, it makes adoption sound more and more wonderful.

If and when I do ever become pregnant, only my mom, mother-in-law, and doctor are allowed to tell horror stories to me. No one else is. My mom is an RN and had relatively easy births, so any stories she tells me will be accurate and medically-based. My mother-in-law had nine children, so she is a complete child-bearing expert. I have complete trust (unlike most Baptists) in medical professionals, so I trust my doctor to give me non-sensationalized stories.

I may just walk away from or block on Facebook anyone who tries to tell me horror stories while I'm pregnant. It's just rude in my opinion. Some of my pregnant friends have even complained to me about this. They are so happy to have this new life growing inside of them. Why ruin their happiness by making them think the process of bringing this life into the world is a horrific, agonizing event?

So if you are in the habit of telling birthing horror stories, STOP! Tell joyous birthing stories instead.

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